Understanding Geofencing and Its Ability to Reach Local Consumers

Understanding Geofencing and Its Ability to Reach Local Consumers
Oct 04, 2017 Digital Marketing

When it comes to your business, it is crucial that you are marketing your brand to the right audience, in the right location and at the right moment in time. However, because consumers are constantly on the go, it becomes increasingly difficult for businesses to effectively reach them. Thankfully, there is a specific advertising tactic that can assist businesses in reaching local consumers through their smartphones.

What Is Geofencing?

Geofencing is a local advertising tactic that enables local businesses to utilize mobile advertising to get their business in front of more local individuals while they are on the move. It is an advanced technology solution that helps you build brand awareness and drive consumers in your local area directly to your storefront – you will reach them at the right moment in time: when they’re in the vicinity.

Ask yourself this: how are you currently advertising to local customers? Are you reaching out to them on their mobile devices, which is where they spend the majority of their digital time (67 percent, according to reports)? Statistics show that consumers in the United States spend about five hours each on their smartphones, while most smartphones users will access about nine apps per day.

How to Make Sure You’re Reaching the Right Audience

1. Select Your Geofences.

You need to select the area that you want to advertise within. You can be broad or extremely specific, such as a parking lot or a building. We can help you define the areas where your audience most frequently visits, including your own business, competitor’ location, a local event, key service areas, etc.

2. Create Eye-Catching Mobile Ads.

You want to be able to attract customers who are nearby, and the best way to do this is with mobile ads that are appealing, attractive and compelling. This helps to drive more in-store visits.

3. Show Your Mobile Ads at the Right Time.

Our geofencing technology utilizes GPS so that mobile advertisements will only be displayed to mobile users when they are within one of you pre-determined geofences as well as after they leave one of your geofences, regardless of where they go afterward. You can set it so that consumers will see your advertisements for up to 30 days after they have stepped outside your geofence.

Consumer Journey Example

  • Your coffee shop has created numerous geofences around popular places, such as parks and office buildings, in an effort to reach people in the neighborhood.
  • When businessman Adam enters into one of your geofences, his smartphones is immediately tagged with our technology.
  • As soon as Adam leaves work that day, he opens an app on his phone where he sees an advertisement for your coffee shop with a 20% off discount.
  • Adam will continue seeing your advertisement whenever visiting an app or site.
  • He clicks to visit your site and get directions to your store and redeem the coupon.
  • Thanks to your geofencing and advertising, you have made a sale!

According to statistics, 52 percent of conversions are thanks to mobile advertising.

Understanding Return on Investment (ROI)

Our technology has the ability to track clicks, visits to your site, phone calls and even e-mails that come directly from your mobile advertisements. It can track walk-ins like Adam’s and attribute them to your advertisement, which you can then see in your geofence advertising reports.

Use Geofencing as Part of Your Overall Mobile Strategy

Geofencing isn’t an advertising tactic that should be used alone. Instead, it should be used as a part of your whole digital marketing strategy, particularly your mobile marketing strategy. Together, you will be able to build brand awareness, while also driving traffic to your store. For more information, get in touch with us at WebDetail.