Best Times to Catch Your Audience on Social Media

Best Times to Catch Your Audience on Social Media
Sep 19, 2017 Social Media Marketing

The Three Best Time To Catch Your Audience on Social Media

While it’s not an exact science, finding the right way to catch the audience of your business or organization on social media does take a little planning. Updates, news, and promotions can’t simply be thrown out to the wind in hopes that they find viewers. It often takes a lot of strategy to find them in the right places at the right time.

With this in mind, timing is one of the main keys. Making sure that you’re delivering the message at the right window of time can ensure that your audience will not only see it, but have the opportunity to respond. Let’s take a look at three of the best windows.


Let’s back up a day first before we go into our explanation of why Tuesdays are best. Mondays are typically not a great day to promote. Consumers are typically catching up on email from the weekend, planning out their work week, and are generally more busy than they might be on other work days. With so much distraction happening, it’s entirely possible that your messaging could be lost in the weeds.

On the other hand, Tuesdays are much better. Things have gotten settled in for the week. Consumers may take a few moments to take a break and catch up on happenings on social media. There are also two great windows of time to try to catch the most eyeballs, either during mid-morning from around 10AM to 11AM or in the middle of the afternoon from 2PM to 4PM. These are generally when breaks occur or office workers are trying to find a distraction between projects.


Much of the same logic goes for Thursdays. The week has settled in, but anticipation for the weekend is beginning to creep in. Consumers are starting to make their plans for restaurants they might visit or entertainment options that they might take part in. They still have a full work day ahead, and aren’t as distracted with making a run for the door as they might be on Fridays.

If your business has a weekend special or event, Thursday mornings might be the best time to consider making a splash for it. The same time as Tuesday applies here. Typical windows of around 10AM to 11AM, or 2PM to 4PM are generally the best to catch consumers throughout the work day. For an added bonus, try to catch them later in the day as they’re beginning to make weekend plans with the family that night!

Sunday Evenings

This is where some psychology comes into play and you have to put yourself in the position of a consumer. After a productive or relaxing weekend, you’re likely dreading the upcoming work week and are more focused on catching up on social media or the latest episode of your TV show.

As this is typically a more “chill” time for users, this is a great time to catch them with uplifting reminders. Perhaps you’re focusing on a product launch in the upcoming week, or want to remind them of lunch specials that your restaurant is hosting. As consumers become forward-facing for the week ahead, Sunday evenings are the perfect time to help them make your business a part of their plans.

As for timing, we’d make the suggestion of approximately around 8PM. Late enough for it to be after Sunday dinner, but soon enough for it to appear in a social feed in plenty of time before bedtime.

Looking for more ways to catch your audience in the right way? We’ve been handling social media updates, as well as their strategy for dozens of our favorite clients. If this is something that WebDetail can give your business or organization a hand with, we’d love to hear from you and talk shop!