Why Is Video Marketing So Popular? 10 Reasons

Why Is Video Marketing So Popular? 10 Reasons
Jan 02, 2018 Video Marketing

Video Marketing: 10 Reasons Why It Is So Popular

If you have scrolled through your social media feed in the last little bit, there is a high probability that you have come across one video – and that’s at minimum – on your timeline. It is very obvious that video is taking over the digital world. It is the medium of choice by virtually everyone, regardless of where it is being posted – on social media, a company website, a news site, or somewhere else entirely.

The one thing that is not quite as obvious and clear, though, is the speed at which video marketing is growing and evolving. To help shed some light on this, here are a few of the reasons why video content is becoming so increasingly popular right now and why it probably will not be slowing down anytime in the foreseeable future.

  1. The human brain has the ability to process visual content 60,000 times faster than it can text. With a simple fact like that, if you’re still using text and not video, then you could be losing out on customers in this fast-paced digital world.
  2. By 2018, research shows that nearly 80 percent of internet traffic will be made up of videos. With the surplus of videos already all over social media, websites, and the internet in general, this statistic is already proving to be true, and you are falling behind if you aren’t putting video to use for your own benefit.
  3. It has been reported that three-quarters of executives watch work-related videos once a week at minimum, and then, once the video is over, 65 percent of those executives will visit the marketer’s website.
  4. Everyone wants that front page position on Google. Well, one way to get it is by utilizing video content. Statistics show that you can boost your odds of getting your website on that front page by adding videos to your site by 50 times. Are you increasing your odds by incorporating video into your website?
  5. Social media is all about engaging with your audience. The more you can get your followers to share your posts, the more reach you have. Research shows that video is one of the best ways to do this. In fact, your followers are 10 times more likely to engage with your post and share it if it consists of a video. How are you engaging with your audience?
  6. From April 2015 and November of the same year, the average amount of video views per day on Facebook went from four billion to eight billion.
  7. Marketers and individuals alike are constantly on the lookout for the type of content that has the best possible return on investment (ROI). Well, nearly 52 percent of marketing professionals around the world agree that video offers the best ROI.
  8. On top of that, 70 percent of business-to-business marketers (B2B marketers) report that video is the most effective medium when it comes to driving conversions, which is an important element of any marketing strategy and gaining an impressive ROI.
  9. When compared to businesses that do not utilize video to their advantage, companies that do actually use video will experience a 19 percent lower average cost per marketing-generated lead.
  10. Over the next year, 96 percent of B2B companies plan to incorporate video into their content marketing strategies.

So, the question now is: Are you utilizing video to the best of your advantage? Are you using video to get ahead of your competitors? Are you using video to catapult yourself to the first page of Google’s SERPs?

If not, it is time that you did. If you need help implementing video into your digital marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to contact our team here at WebDetail. We would be happy to discuss a solid strategy with you and work with you so that you can realize all the benefits that video has to offer you.