Digital Marketing: Making a Successful Campaign and Setting a Budget

Digital Marketing: Making a Successful Campaign and Setting a Budget
Mar 27, 2017 Digital Marketing

For digital marketing to be successful, it takes more than a single factor. In fact, generally you will need to combine several strategies that work for your budget and target audience. Ideally, you should focus on improving your search engine optimization (SEO), as this is your ticket into the online world.

If your website is not optimized for search engines, then you will not be able to obtain trust from web users because you will not be found on Google and other search engines. The same is true if your website does not offer quality, informative information for web users.  

Setting Up a Digital Marketing Campaign

With all that being said, here is what you need to do in order to create a successful digital marketing campaign:

  1. Know exactly who your customers are, and be able to identify with them. You also need to know what you want to achieve through your campaign.
  2. Set a budget for your digital marketing campaign.
  3. Determine whether or not you will run your own campaign, hire an employee experienced with marketing or outsource your campaign to a digital marketing firm.
  4. Design from scratch or update your business website so that it’s mobile-friendly.
  5. Add or claim your business to Google My Business and other online directories in order to boost your local search engine rankings.
  6. Add quality content to your site that is informative to your target audience and is appealing to them. Make sure to use logos, descriptions, design elements and a voice that is consistent and accurately reflects your business identity.
  7. Create and manage profiles on social media platforms that your customers will most likely be using.
  8. Use social platform analytics to measure and analyze your engagement on social media networks.
  9. Analyze your site’s traffic with Google Analytics.
  10. Monitor the effectiveness of these methods and determine where you should use your marketing dollars.

Determining a Sensible Digital Marketing Budget

Once you have created a digital marketing campaign, you need to focus on figuring out what a realistic and practical budget is for your business. The amount of YOUR budget will differ from the amount of your best friend’s business’s budget, so don’t go off of their budget. Instead, you need to focus on the following:

  • Business size
  • Business industry
  • Business saturation (online)

It’s really all going to boil down to the market you are in and the size of your business. You may be able to be successful with just a couple hundred a month, or you may need (or want) to more aggressive. It all depends on the aforementioned factors and how fast you are looking to grow.

As a general rule, for companies just dipping their toes into digital marketing, you can see a significant improvement with a digital campaign budget of 8-12% of your revenue. However, if you are new to the industry/market and your competitors are very well-established, you may need to add 5-10%.

Get in Touch with WebDetail

If you would like to learn more about digital marketing campaigns and budgets or would like to receive an estimate, please reach out to us here at WebDetail. We will personalize an estimate based on your specific needs, goals and expectations.