Old Website? Give It a Much-Needed Facelift for an Improved User Experience

Old Website? Give It a Much-Needed Facelift for an Improved User Experience
Jun 22, 2017 Web Design

Have you spent much time considering your website’s current user experience? Sadly, many website owners haven’t, and this has gotten them into trouble. This is often because you are extremely busy with invoices, business meetings, etc. There simply isn’t nearly enough time in a single day to get everything done that needs to be done.

However, regardless of how busy you are, you need to make time for your website. You need ensure it is responsive and look at how your marketing efforts are responding every now and then. All too often, websites and marketing campaigns fall off the charts because they are ignored.

Eventually, visitors will get tired of looking at the same old stuff on your site. For that reason, you need to revamp your marketing campaign when it isn’t driving as much traffic to your site. After all, user experience means everything in the marketing world. In fact, research shows that 66% of readers prefer to read material that is well-designed as opposed to material that is plain and simple. In addition, nearly 40 percent of individuals will stop visiting websites if they take too long to load (particularly the images).

With that all being said, why don’t we take a closer look at why and how digital facelifts can be so beneficial to your business and why the user experience is so important to keep fresh for conversions.

What’s Reviving Your Website Really About?

Believe it or not, it’s actually relatively easy to get a web presence, but there is more involved when it comes designing a user experience that will have your customers coming back to your site for more. In fact, this is something that many marketing professionals struggle with. Research shows that approximately 77% of marketers believed that a weakness of their clients was a poor website user experience.

When it comes to conversion opportunities, digital facelifts are crucial. The same is true for the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns and your website. This is because of the ever-evolving world of technology and digital marketing, as you must stay current with all the changes in order to stay ahead of, or at least alongside, the competition.

In today’s day and age, there are a number of elements that can be used to make sure your website is successful, and it is important that all of them are covered in order to persuade your audience to do business with you instead of your competitors.

Below are a few important things that you need to consider when developing a better user experience for your website with a digital marketing facelift:

Better Keywords for an Improved Ranking

In simple terms, how would you accurately describe your business? Keywords and phrases are used to figure out how customers can identify you and your business as well as how they can find out more information about your brand/product. Sadly, there are so many business that are still clueless about how to properly utilize keywords.

Some try to use black hat SEO methods, such as keyword stuffing, which is probably the worst possible way to try to get your brand’s name out there. In fact, if you have not been refreshing your website regularly, there may be signs of this ancient and outdated practice somewhere within your site. This can be harming your ranking in the search engines, so it is important to locate it if it is there and eliminate it.

A revamp of your website will force you to look at your entire website and all of its pages to ensure that all the right keywords and phrases are being used properly so that you can rank organically and authentically in search engines for your customers. This ensures you are avoiding penalties from Google and other search engines and could even help you identify new and relevant keywords and phrases for your digital marketing campaign.

Site Design That Inspires a Positive User Experience

To create the best possible user experience, you need to be able to learn as much as possible about your target audience so that you can design something that can completely appeal to them. After all, statistics show that nearly 40% of browsers will leave a site immediately if the content or layout isn’t attractive, which makes that a good area to start.

It is also important to remember that the average visitor doesn’t have a large attention span. Most visitors will quickly scan a page as soon as they click on a URL in order to sample what’s available on the page and then decide to either continue reading on the page if there is valuable information available or click off the page if they are not interested. So, if you want to ensure that your website visitors stay on your page for more than a few seconds, your design needs to look professional and the content needs to be able to be scanned easily. This means you should use:

  • Headers
  • Subtitles
  • Bullet Points
  • Simple Navigation
  • Easy-to-Read Font

Also, it almost goes without saying these days, but your website should certainly be mobile-friendly, aka responsive web design - meaning that it automatically detects and adjusts based on the device that's being viewed (phone, tablet or laptop/desktop).

Who Exactly Are You? What Do You Do?

Once traffic has made their way to your site, you need to now make sure that they are able to figure out who your business is and what it does. Research shows that a little over half of website visitors expect to see company information (like an “about us” page) when going onto a brand’s page. So, don’t make your customers be detectives; make your company information readily available to them.

To really show your customers how much you care, make sure that your brand’s or product’s unique spelling points and/or value aspects are as clear as day when they get onto your website. After all, they need to know that you are worth it and this is the best way to do it without making them work for it.

Properly Identify Yourself

Since we are talking about company information and showing customers exactly who you are and all, now is a good time to talk about identifying yourself in the form of a “contact us” page. After all, approximately 44% of site visitors will leave your website if you do not list contact information or a phone number on the page that they are currently viewing.

Update Your Content

When performing a digital facelift, you will be presented with the opportunity to update your website content. This will allow you to make your content more relevant and valuable to your audience. To stand out in the digital world, it is important to ensure your content consists of relevant keywords, effective content and unique ideas.

Take the time to go through your existing content and update some of your static material to make certain it is optimized properly for search engines. This simply ensures that you are engaging with your audience, which will improve the chances of leaving a lasting and positive impression. Also, don’t forget that research shows that 66% of individuals want to look at websites that are well-designed, attractive and easy to read rather than something that is plain, simple and cluttered. Keep in mind that you will want to keep an eye on data analytics to see how your updated content is doing in regards to traffic.

For help with revamping your old website, give our team of experts a call at WebDetail.