When and How to Successfully Use Video in Your Marketing Campaign

When and How to Successfully Use Video in Your Marketing Campaign
Aug 30, 2017 Video Marketing

Each year, there is a new trend that your business needs to think about investing in. One year it may be RLSA and another is may be mobile. Over the last few years, video has been becoming extremely popular and breaking its way into the digital world. The question right now is not whether it is important to include video in your marketing campaign – no, instead, the important question right now is how to use is successfully in your campaign.

With that being said, this post is going to discuss when and how to put video to use in your marketing campaign.

But, first, you have to determine whether or not video can even do your company any good, as it is not something that proves to be beneficial for every brand. Ultimately, videos are used at their best when they are utilized as a tool to relay information to an audience. So, if your business needs to explain a product or service or needs to showcase advanced feature, then video may be essential to your company’s growth.

Once you have decided that your business can benefit from using video, you need to decide how you should use it in terms of advertising. What strategies are best? Below, you will find some tips related to using Facebook and YouTube for performance-driven and direct-response efforts.

Get Started with Facebook

From the perspective of direct-response, Facebook is hands-down the best platform to put video to use. You will be able to use the platform’s targeting capabilities and make sure that you are reaching relevant audiences to whom you are able to successfully present your brand to and showcase its value.

Remember, though, videos should not be longer than 30 seconds because you won’t be able to keep a user’s attention for any longer than that. Believe it or not, less really is more.

Starting out, you will use videos on Facebook in your “searching” efforts. These videos are going to be your initial touch to audiences who have never heard of your brand or have only gotten a bare glimpse of you.

The ultimate goal of these Facebook advertisements are two-fold: you want to educate your audience, but you also want to see which ones are truly interested in what you’re offering them. But how can you determine that?

Luckily, the social networking platform creates audience lists that are based solely off of the amount of video that its users have viewed. So, if a user has watched your entire video, then they’ll have a high interest level in your service or product. Once this particular has been identified, you can take the user list and serve them with remarketing advertisements that will drive them to your website and hopefully convert them into customers.

Now, let’s say that someone got to your website through a different method, such as organic or paid search. You can use Facebook video advertisements to help convince them even further in the event that they have not converted.

Carousel Ads are extremely powerful on Facebook. These particular advertisements allow you to show three to five images, messages and concepts to get your overall point across to the audience, deliver value props and essentially get conversions. The one thing that most people fail to realize is that it is possible to incorporate video into these carousel cards. When it comes to remarketing, this can be particularly effective since it permits you the ability to communicate several different messages while at the same time giving the user an informative video to persuade them further.

Using YouTube for Remarketing Efforts

YouTube has some impressive traffic numbers, so it’s an obvious choice to use for advertising. However, it is not a platform to be used for direct-response and instead should be used for remarketing.

Ultimately, you should develop user lists of high-intent website visitors that don’t covert, such as those who have made it to the sign-up page but didn’t end up converting. Then, you can test multiple audiences with multiple video assets. You will use YouTube to continue to educate your audiences and see which videos work better with which audiences (such as audiences in research vs. high-intent audiences).

When trying to reach out to you audience and expand your business, videos can often be a force to be reckoned with. However, before you actually put videos to use, you must know when to use them, where to use them and how to work them into your budget.

For more information, reach out to us at WebDetail.