Boosting Revenue: 3 Crucial Elements Your Website Is Missing

Boosting Revenue: 3 Crucial Elements Your Website Is Missing
Nov 30, 2016 Web Design

Many businesses assume that a well-designed website will get them as far as they need to go in the business world. However, this simply isn't true. In fact, even the best-designed site can still be lacking a few things and missing the mark when it comes to sales figures and the company's bottom line. If you want to generation more leads, get more business and ultimately boost your revenue, your business website needs these three elements:

1. Quality, Relevant Content

If you look at the websites that are generating the most leads and revenue, you are going to see that they have a single thing in common: quality, relevant content. Relevant web content goes beyond content that is related to your business, though. It also needs to be enticing and compelling enough that it convinces the reader to take action (make a purchase, call, join, connect, etc.). The content should also fulfill a specific need or solve a problem. In addition, it always needs to be SEO-friendly without being completely obvious.

2. Social Media

While a website was once good enough all on its own for a business, it isn't anymore. Social media has taken the world by storm and is often the way that a customer actually encounters a business for the first time today. For that reason, it is integral that your social media is integrated into your site. You also need to ensure that you communicate with your followers. Don't forget to use social media to your advantage, as it is a fantastic marketing tool that allows you to share your web content pages to your followers with ease.

3. Opt-in Lists (Email Marketing)

Many businesses think that email marketing is a thing of the past and is often neglected for that reason. However, it is actually one of the most cost-effective ways of marketing to your customers. So, you need to make certain that your website has an opt-in list where customers and site visitors can subscribe to monthly promotions, email newsletters, etc. This is an easy, economical way to generate leads and boost revenue.

Bonus Element: With so many consumers utilizing their smartphones, it never hurts to have an app for your business. This will help to generate repeat business, increase online visibility, enhance brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and so much more. And there are some fastinating things that can be done with paid advertising in conjunction with your app :)

Regardless of the size of your business, you need the aforementioned elements on your website and overall marketing strategy. For more information or help incorporating these elements, get in touch with our experienced team here at WebDetail.